Stewardship 2025
Support our efforts to serve God and our neighbors. We look forward to working with all of you as we carry out the mission. We are thankful for your faith and participation.
What your giving means?
​Your giving supports the mission of Media Presbyterian Church. By indicating your Planned Giving, MPC can make budgetary decisions that support His work.
How do you indicate your Planned Giving?
Scroll down to the "Planned Giving Form" and complete the form.
Fill out the Planned Giving form found in the bulletin and place it in an offering plate, in the mail, or in the church office.
How do I fulfill my plan?
You can place your gifts in the offering plates on Sunday morning.
You can deliver or mail a check to Media Presbyterian Church, 30 E. Baltimore Ave, Media, PA 19063.
You can click the “Give Online” button above.
Having trouble? Please email sandyc@mediapresbyterian.org
You will receive statements to document your giving and for tax purposes.
For more information, contact camryn@mediapresbyterian.org.
To view our Annual Report click here.