You probably already use the Internet for shopping, banking, and even paying bills. Now you can give to the church in the same way.
In addition to convenience, there are several other benefits to online giving that perhaps you've never thought of before. For example, you can:
Save a trip to the ATM on Sunday morning
Avoid forgetting your checkbook or having to quickly fill out a check
Easily track you charitable spending for tax purposes
Plus, you'll always know that your online transaction is safe and secure.
Guide To Online Giving
Click the orange "Give Now" button.

That link will bring you to this page. If this is your first time giving online, you do not need to Log In. We'll create your user name and password later.
Fill in the amount you want to give for Tithes & Offerings. If there is another ministry activity that you would like to pay for, fill in that amount in the "Other" section.
The page will automatically give you a total.
You then have an option to determine how often you want this payment to occur. Choose your preference.
The Donation Start Date is the day the charges will be withdrawn from your account. Make sure your desired date is selected.
Once all blocks on the left are filled in, click Continue.

This is the next screen you will see.
The information on the right is automatically populated.
Click edit ONLY if you see a mistake.
Otherwise, fill in your personal information on the left.
Scroll down.

As you scroll down, you'll see the option to fill in your payment information.
You can pay by checking account, savings account, or Credit/Debit card.
Scroll down.

You'll see a Notes section at the bottom of this page.
If you are paying for something other than Tithes & Offerings, PLEASE fill in this section so we know what your payments are for.
For example, if you are donating money to the Deacons' Benevolence Fund, write that in the Notes section
so that your funds can be distributed accordingly.
Here you also have the option for creating a Log In. Having a Log In will allow the system to retain your payment information, making this process much quicker. If you would like to create a Log In, click "Select Password" and follow the prompts. However, it is not mandatory to create a Log In.
Once everything is all filled in, click "Process" and you are finished! You'll immediately receive an email with your receipt.