At Media Presbyterian Church, our mission is to love God and our neighbor.
Our Children’s Ministry, Cornerstone Kids supports these goals by providing programs and activities that allow children to know, grow, and show God’s love.
We are dedicated to seeing children of all ages, along with their families,
grow in their knowledge and experience of God’s goodness and grace.
Children's Ministry at MPC is for children up through 5th grade.
We're also happy to invite you to Sunday School!
We meet at 9:00 a.m. - please register online so we can send you the links and make sure you have all the resources needed. We can't wait to get started!
Click here to view and fill out the Children's Sunday School form.
Our church is like a super fun club for friends of Jesus! We sing songs, learn about God's love, and
help others just like Jesus did.
Everyone is welcome to join our club! At our church, we want to be even better friends with God and each other. We also want to help kids learn about Jesus and be kind to others. It's like we're a bright light showing God's love to the world! We can share this love with words and by doing nice things for others.

BLOC Sign-Up
Our Building Lives on Christ (BLOC) program brings together children from age 4 through 2nd grade during our
10 a.m. worship service after the Children's Message.
If you would like to sign up to co-lead one or more of our classes, please sign up here.


DURING THE 10:00 A.M.WORSHIP SERVICe starting at 9:45 a.m.

G-UPS = for grownups KIDS = for kids
Orange Curriculum Resources
These resources support the Orange curriculum, which is currently used in our preschool to 5th grade Sunday school classrooms.
A great set of resources for parents, including podcast links, activity ideas, devotionals, and products to help you parent your child during every phase of development.
The Parent Cue Activities and Devotionals
A specific page on the Parent Cue site with weekly activities and devotionals to guide children at every age to trust Jesus.
Download the free app that will help you “parent smarter, not harder.” The app shares a monthly character focus, plus Bible story videos, memory verses, prayers, and conversation prompts for kindergarten through 12th grade.
Video Learning
These video resources will help your family enjoy Bible stories and learn more about the Bible together.
For Kids:
For Kids and Grown Ups Watching Together:
Buck Denver Asks… What’s in the Bible?
Praise &
These links will take you to praise and worship songs that the whole family can enjoy.
Christmas Songs & Carols-Love to Sing
6th grade and up?
Check out the Youth Page Here!