Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Matthew 28:19

Serving Our Community
Help us spread the love of Christ to our neighbors and everyone in our local area. Click below to read about the various initiatives we've worked with locally. If you would like to serve with us on Thursdays at the local Media Food Bank (located at 350 W. State Street), click here.
Serving The Church
Be a blessing to the church body! We all have been given spiritual gifts that the Lord wants us to use to edify and grow his Kingdom. Let His work move through you and join one of our ministries. Take our talent survey to help us better connect you with service opportunities. Already committed to serve? Click the link below to login and see your upcoming schedule.

Serving The World
MPC supports missionaries all around the globe. From Ghana to China, the Lord is using the gifts from our congregation to have deep impact on the lives of those in need internationally. Click below to get a full list of the missionaries we support, where they are located, and how you can continue to support their efforts.