Celebration of Love:
Reverend Rose Marie Sparrow
With joyful hearts, we invite you to join us in celebrating the ministry of Rev. Rose Sparrow on Sunday, February 23,2025, following the 10AM service, which will be led by Pastor Rose. Afterwards, we will gather in Dale Hall, for a special celebration for Pastor Rose sharing food, fellowship and gratitude. Those interested in sharing a monetary gift with Rose can do so one of two ways: enclose it with a card and place it in the Keepsake Binder; or, participate in a collective Love Offering by sending contributions to the MPC Office. Contributions to the Love Offering need to be sent to Sandy Campbell by Monday, February 17. Please note “Pastor Rose Love Gift” on your check. The Love Gift will be presented to Pastor Rose at the reception.
****This contribution is not tax deductible, under IRS Publication 526.****
Please click the image or scan the QR code to signup. There are also signup sheets on the bulletin board behind the Sanctuary. Please sign up so we know how many will be in attendance. A place to contribute food or beverage items is included on the signup sheet.