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6 Reasons To Attend Our Retreat

Our All-Church Retreat is coming up in less than a month! From Friday, February 15th until Sunday the 17th, we will be at the Harvey Cedars Bible Conference Center in Harvey Cedars, NJ. Our speaker will be Rev. Tim Doering who will be talking to us about Spiritual Alignment. If you are trying to decide if it will fit your family's schedule, here are 6 Reasons to attend the Spiritual Growth Retreat at Harvey Cedars next Month:

1. FEEL the presence of God. In a post retreat survey, a majority of last year's attendees reported that they FELT the presence of the Holy Spirit during this retreat.

2. to FOCUS on your relationship with God. Most of us are not given many chances to stop and intentionally focus on deepening our relationship with God. This retreat offers a time and space to grow deeper roots for our souls.

3. Making CONNECTIONS with your church family. We are better together! We can do more together! The more relationships that you form with your brothers and sisters in Christ, the more we can do in Mission together throughout the rest of our lives. I can't think of a better way to get to know folks than by sharing meals. At this retreat, we will have 5 opportunities break bread together - and you won't have to cook or clean up!

4. Slowing Down: This retreat is an opportunity to slow down. Most of us are living life in fast forward. The All-Church retreat includes a meaningful amount of downtime that will let you recharge. One attendee last year stated, I attended "to get away from the hustle and bustle."

5. There are focused activities for ALL ages. We will have Children's, Teen and Adult Programming.

6. To relax and have fun. HCBC is a wonderful facility where our families can enjoy good food, wonderful accommodations and engaging content. In addition to our programming, we will enjoy the swimming pool, the gym and have a block of open afternoon time to spend at leisure.

Here is a little more information about our speaker and topic for this year:

Have you ever dislocated a joint or had your back “go out?” Pain is not the only result. In those scenarios it is virtually impossible to do anything productive. The New Testament writers use the analogy of a body to refer to the Church. In this picture Christ is the head of the body. We who have received the beautiful news of reconciliation with God through Christ and have chosen to trust Him, have been given a new identity as parts of His Body. Our personal and corporate lives are now afforded the opportunity to be one with Christ and each other. This can lead to a wonderful and creative productivity. However, alignment in the body of Christ is not a given. Much like a physical body, when we are not fully aligned with Christ it has significant effects on our ability to flourish as human beings. Our human spirits are made to be in deep fellowship with the Spirit of Jesus. Our relationships are made to resonate with the love of the triune God. Our very beings are designed to walk in congruence with the cosmos of God’s Kingdom. But what does it look like for us to maintain alignment with Christ? This will be the theme of our time together for the spiritual retreat this year.

Our speaker will be Tim Doering. Tim is the founder of a ministry called Netzer. Netzer exists to connect and support pastors and congregations across Southeastern Pennsylvania and in other locations around the globe. During Tim’s 18 years of local church pastoring, he began to meet, pray with and work with other pastors. The obvious need for connection and encouragement among pastors and a deep desire to see the Church walk in unity and strength led him to start Netzer. His heart is to see local congregations find their unique design in broader the kingdom of God, and to see the leaders of those bodies blessing one another in healthy, supportive, and prayerful relationships. Tim has a deep passion to see the people of God know the presence of God in everyday life. Tim is married to Jen, who he met in Chicago. They have 2 middle school boys, Evan and Kolton; and they live in East Coventry, Chester County. To learn more about Tim and his ministry check out

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